Rango is a computer-animated comedy film that is directed by Gore Virbinski. It features the voices of actors Johnny Depp, Isla Fisher, Bill Nighy, Abigail Breslin, Alfred Molina, Harry Dean Stanton, Ray Winstone, Ned Beatty and Timothy Olyphant.
In the film, Rango is a pet chameleon who lives in a terrarium. He has long thought himself a hero, but then finds himself removed from his contemporary American southwest surroundings and ending up in an Old West town called Dirt. As he's always thought himself a hero, Rango establishes himself as the lawman, strolling the streets as a sheriff-like character. Rango constantly tries seeking to fit in with his surroundings, no matter how challenging. At a certain point in the narrative, Rango will come to question everything about himself.
The cast of this film is
- Johnny Depp as Rango
- Isla Fisher as Beans
- Abigail Breslin as Missy
- Alfred Molina
- Bill Nighy as Rattlesnake Jake
- Harry Dean Stanton
- Maile Flanagan as Boo
- Ray Winstone
- Nika Futterman
- Timothy Olyphant as The Spirit of the West
- Alanna Ubach as Fresca
- Stephen Root as Doc and Merrymack
- Beth Grant as Bonnie
- Ned Beatty as Tortoise John
You know some one is really awesome when they can make an animated. I know its going to be amazing! Johnny Depp IS, This is fresh, has great animation and most hilarious scenes. Make sure really love this children the animated film. Entertainment Bay